My Inspiration For The Unfaithful Woman
The storyline for The Unfaithful Woman has been rolling around in my head since I was seven or eight. Yes, you read right, seven or eight.
Two characters from the novella I watched with my mother at that young age—I can’t put a name to it or recall the novella’s narrative—impressed me enough that I’ve carried the memory all this time. I always thought those two lead characters, a black maid and her blue-eyed, blond daughter, would make a great story.
Tossing the characters around in my head for days formed what came to be the storyline for The Unfaithful Woman.
That Anastasia, the main character, and Tristan, her love interest, meet as children and their relationship evolves into adulthood is no coincidence. I liked the idea of their relationship budding from a childhood friendship into their teen years and ultimately into adulthood as both discover themselves in the process. Life, after all, is a process of discovery, and every stage of life is as different as the next. Anastasia and Tristan’s life is no exception. Naïve promises were made to one another when they’re young but broken in adulthood when the hand of life—betrayal and lies from those they love most—slapped them in the face. A sad reminder of the truest adage known as life goes on.
I truly hope you enjoy Anastasia’s story as much as I enjoyed writing it.